Prepare for college

35-year history of serving San Antonio students

Upward Bound programs provide fundamental support to their participants in preparation for college. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in their precollege coursework in high school and ultimately in their higher education pursuits.

badge for recognized example of exelencia

Our Mission

Upward Bound serves high school students from low-income families and high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor's degree. 52% of our participants go on to receive bachelor's degrees, exceeding the national averages in that only 32.5% of adults over age 25 in the U.S. have a bachelor's degree.

Upward Bound was established with the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 as an original War on Poverty initiative. It is one of seven TRIO Programs established to assist students in overcoming class, social, academic and cultural barriers to higher education.

For more information on Upward Bound history across the nation, visit the TRIO Programs' website.

The Trinity University Upward Bound program does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, gender or disability in its selection of participants. (Department of Education's General Education Provision - GEPA Section 427).


headshot of Alejandra De Hoyos_2022
Alejandra De Hoyos
Director Upward Bound
" "
Courtney Davila-Gonzalez
Upward Bound Instructor
" "
Jada Gonzalez
Academic Advisor (NE)
" "
Daniela Leal
Academic Tutor
" "
Jeffrey Martinez
Upward Bound Instructor
" "
Pedro Ortiz
Academic Tutor
" "
Gabriella Ortiz
Assistant Director Upward Bound
" "
Roman Pineda
Upward Bound Instructor
Staff Headshot of Adam Rinaldi
Adam Rinaldi
Accommodated Testing Center Clerk - PT
" "
Vanessa Sanchez
Upward Bound Instructor
" "
Jagger Slocume
Academic Tutor Temp


Examples of Excelencia

Trinity's Upward Bound program was recognized as a 2018 Examples of Excelencia finalist.


10x more likely to receive a Bachelors

Trinity Upward Bound graduates are ten times more likely to have a bachelor's degree than adults over the age of 25 living within their community.


Program Cost: $0

All Upward Bound services are free of charge to participants through funding from the U.S. Department of Education.


Get prepared for College

The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which their participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education.


Participants must meet the following criteria:

Low income based

Qualify as low income according to federal guidelines or potential first-generation college students with neither parent having earned a four year bachelor's degree.

U.S. Citizenship

Be a U.S. citizen or legal resident

Enrolled in a San Antonio High School

Be an student at Harlandale, McCollum, Memorial, or Kennedy High Schools.


Demonstrate academic need for program services.

Committed to excellence

Have the willingness and ability to make the time commitment to participate fully in all that Upward Bound offers from the time of acceptance through high school graduation.

Program Sequence

How to Apply

  1. Complete Application Packet (PDF) which includes:
    • Application
    • Affidavit
    • Questions
    • Two Teacher Recommendations:
      You need to get one recommendation from two of the following: Math, English, Social Studies and Science. Teachers completing the recommendations can be this year's or from a previous year
  2. Attach a copy of your parents' most recently filed income tax form (1040A, 1040EZ, 1040)
  3. Return Application Packet (application and income tax information) to the Upward Bound Adviser at your school.
  4. Interviews will be scheduled upon receipt of application packet if it is complete and student qualifies for the Program. All students will be notified of their status regardless.


Ready to take the next step?

Fill out the application packet, or contact the Upward Bound office by email at or 210-999-7590 to discuss your interest in the program and receive an application.

Apply Now